28 Days Psychology

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Sandra Bullock stars in the movie 28 Days as Gwyn Cummings, a New York columnist, who has a drug and alcohol problem. Things are out of control for Gwyn when she ruins her sister’s wedding. Instead of spending time in jail, Gwyn is sentenced to 28 days at a rehab center. Once Gwyn reaches the rehab center, she makes it clear that she has no intent of being sober. She neglects the rules, is disrespectful to everyone, and obtains narcotics from her boyfriend whenever he visits. She even tries to score some drugs from Cornell who she realizes later that he is her head counselor. Soon, the reality of Gwyn’s situation begins to dawn on her. She goes through physical extractions and she begins to see how her current behavior was triggered by her …show more content…

Moderation just doesn't work. I can tell myself, "I'll only have 2 drinks" and next thing you know I've had 8 or 10 and I'm going home with some strange guy I just met. I'll wake up the next day and wonder why the hell I did that. Once I start I really can't stop. The obsession is that bad. I suppose it's a disease, if you want to call it that. It's definitely some sort of disorder. Many alcoholics have tried that, including myself, and its torture. Counting your drinks, panicking when you know you've reached the limit for the night, crying or getting violently angry that you need to stop and go home or try to go to sleep. It just doesn't work.” (Pico) Just as he said, it’s very difficult to drink moderately or be a responsible drinker without any consequences. It may work for some patients but it’s not an easy habit to break. Some of the things a person should do if they want help is to look closely at the patterns and triggers in their lives that led to overdrinking. Then they will need to put plans in place to avoid these causes or to learn how to deal with them and set limits on your drinking. It’s also recommended to take on a moderation plan abstain for a month. Finally, it helps to have support from your family members and friends or even support groups. Becoming alcohol dependent, is very difficult to stop drinking without assistance and

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