1984 Human Nature Analysis

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Throughout the novel 1984 Winston, the protagonist attempts to stay human despite living under a totalitarian regime. The novel 1984 by George Orwell depicts a regime that has 24/7 surveillance of its citizens and attempts to dehumanize the citizens to become better “party” members. Throughout the novel, Winston attempts to redeem his human characteristics that the party has stolen from him. The party is responsible for using human emotions and tendencies and uses those qualities in an attempt to “dehumanize” their population into members of the party. In the novel, the party uses human nature as a tactic in their political oppression. Winston’s love for Julia was the biggest weapon the party used against him. The party uses human nature for …show more content…

All humans need to feel something that’s simply a part of being human. The party realizes this and attempts to establish hate as the new love. The party also uses this concept to protect against rebellion from the citizens. The party attempts to deflect all hate and anger of the proles life to the party’s enemies. They are able to do this in the Two Minutes Hate. The Two Minutes hate was a daily program run by the party and it depicted enemies of the party. The narrator of the novel describes one of those scenes as, “Before the Hate had proceeded for thirty seconds, uncontrollable exclamations of rage were breaking out from half the people in the room.” (Orwell 9). Not even 30 seconds in the entire room is in a frenzy showing just how powerful the emotion of hate can be. The party knows that if they restrict happiness, love, friendship and all other normal human emotions hate and anger is going to arise. They, however, reflect those feelings onto their enemies as they blame them for the quality of their lives and the bombings. This allows the proles to see Big Brother as a heavenly being protecting them from the evils of the world. Another reason as to why Big Brother has its citizens love so easily. It is simply because the Proles hate the enemy and fall under the illusion that Big Brother is protecting them, therefore, deserve endless love. Being human requires someone to show all human emotions and feelings. Since the proles feeling of normal love, friendship, compassion for others they are incapable of maintaining their humanity as Winston states “The proles are not human beings,” (Orwell 29). With their missing emotions and feelings, negative feelings arise and with nothing to balance the negative feelings they are intense. By the party projecting those feelings on the enemy they are creating a community of hate and

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