1984 George Orwell Quote Analysis

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1984 “Self-expression must pass into communication for its fulfillment”, a quote by American writer and novelist Pearl S. Buck. The quotes explains that for one's self-expression to be complete a person must communicate his or her thoughts. The world is able to thrive both in knowledge and power because they have the freedom to think and communicate thoughts and ideas. The interactions between people and the sharing of knowledge promotes a world where there is unity and peace. The utopia expressed by Buck’s quote is not the vision expressed by Orwell in the novel 1984. Contrary to the quote, Orwell’s prophetic vision of contemporary American society has not come to fruition. Orwell’s language and language expression in 1984 has not become a realization in contemporary American society. The prophetic vision Orwell creates contradicts contemporary American society and how people express language today. For example, in Winston’s apartment building, there are posters on every floor showcasing the regime leader bearing the …show more content…

In Winston’s country, Oceania, their language was described as “Newspeak vocabulary was tiny”, which was constantly being reduced (309). The language Orwell creates is always being reduced because the regime believes that with fewer words their citizens would have less temptation to think. He creates a society where the government controls what you think by placing the idea that “Thoughtcrime is death” (28). The language in Orwell’s vision is placed under heavy censorship to such an extremity, where the citizens fear the government for thinking something that might be considered unholy. Modern American society proves to be different because it is a diverse place in which people are allowed to speak their own language and are not intimidated by the government, but rather work with and elect their leaders for the embetterment of the

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