1984 George Orwell Politics Analysis

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Today, a political dispute is not uncommon, and that is due to the fact that politics is the driving force of the world. Almost every aspect of our lives is associated with the politics that govern the decisions we make. Unfortunately, the politics that are in our everyday lives are filled with a majority of deceitful people and ideas. George Orwell states, “In our age there is no such thing as ‘keeping out of politics.’ All issues are political issues, and politics itself is a mass of lies, evasions, folly, hatred and schizophrenia.” George Orwell is clearly stating that people cannot escape the chaos that is produced around us through politics. This world is built off of the betrayal and lies in this mass jungle of politics, and there is …show more content…

One cannot ignore that given situation since it affects everyone. In “1984”, Orwell states in the book written by Goldstein that there must always be different type of people considered the High, Middle, and Low in order for an economy to work. However, Mac McClelland explains in “Goodbye Columbus” how severe just the middle class is. After many interviews with different middle class people of Ohio, she remarks, “I’m reporting from Ohio, for God’s sake, not the Third World, yet still my interviewees are sweating over how they’ll manage to survive despite living in the richest country in the history of the world” (McClelland 11). These people aren’t even considered to be the low class, yet they can not escape this constant thought of how they will be able to provide for themselves and their families. The irony of how this is the richest country in the world, but McClelland compares it to the Third World shows exactly how ridiculous the politics is behind it. She also then reveals one of her interviews in which people are getting fired left and right for the most ludicrous issues. McClelland states in shock how the supervisor of the business fired someone for purely talking on the job. People are agonizing over how they will be able to afford to continue to live day by day, yet underpaid workers are being dismissed to add to the growing problem of debt in …show more content…

Politics is surrounding every idea or problem one may have. No one wants to be involved in any of the undesired issues, yet there is always something going on in the world. In “Shooting an Elephant” by George Orwell, the speaker was hated by large amounts of people for being in Burma and having to watch over the colonists as a police officer. Orwell writes, “I was stuck between my hatred of the empire I served and my rage against the evil spirited little beasts who tried to make my job impossible” (Orwell). The speaker is furious that he was involuntarily put in this country to patrol people that despised him being there. Him nor the people were directly involved in the politics behind the speaker needing to be present, yet everyone has to suffer. Patriotism is another political example in which it is always present, but not always desired. Sarah Vowell states in “Partly Cloudy Patriot” that American Flags literally represent the government, so that makes her nervous to support the country and show her patriotism. The politics behind the flag is filled with betrayal and the distortion of information, but the flag symbolizes patriotism so the two cannot be separated. When an American flag was set in her lawn, she called furious and complained that they should take that down because she does not agree with the politics behind it. Vowell cannot remove herself from being involved in politics because, like the

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