1984 George Orwell Freedom Essay

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In George Orwell’s 1984, Characters do not receive any personal freedoms as evidenced by No Freedom of Thought, No Freedom of Expression, and No Freedom of Emotion. In the book 1984, the setting takes place in what was known as London but is now called Airstripe One. It is ruled by a totalitarianistic government known as “Big Brother”. To Begin, the characters in 1984 receive No Freedom of Thought without their lives being at stake, this is made clear when Orwell says, “Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing.” (Orwell 266). This quote suggests that The Party is in control of what you’re allowed to think and that they have the ability to mold your mind to their pleasing. It also never mentions that the person has a choice to do so or not, so likely it is being done against their will. This is also proven when Orwell says, “Don’t you see the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought?”(Orwell 29). The Government in 1984 literally created a whole new language in order to control it’s …show more content…

People are being forced to say what they don’t believe because it is routine. If they don’t conform to what they are supposed or expected of, they will lose their privileges or possibly their lives. This is also proven when Orwell states, “He was a lonely ghost uttering a truth that nobody would ever hear”(Orwell 15). Winston was saying something truthful but Big Brother has controlled everyones minds and thoughts to the point where it would never be heard or seen. It could also never be proven as no one would be around to prove it, because they are either taken away by the Thought Police or are too scared to let it be heard and just conform to society as it

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