1980s American Culture Research Paper

1799 Words4 Pages

Ramsha Shoaib
Mr. Geritano
English 9A
AMERICAN CULTURE IN THE 1980s Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live in the divergent, enthralling, and unique decade of the 1980s? The eighties were a progressive time period in American art and culture. The 1980s was a time of self-discovery for the American people as well as America’s identity as a whole. In the 1980s, American culture flourished unlike ever before because of the unique music, films, and fashion that were significantly influential to the lifestyles of Americans and to the evolution of the American dream since it helped shape future decades by immortalizing the fads of the eighties and taught people to make bold choices such as experimenting with new and extraordinary ideas in these fields.
Music was one the major contributing factors in shaping this decade. Artists such as David Bowie, Pink Flloyd and KISS were at their apex during this time period. Because of the immense amount of cultural development during the eighties it is often referred to as the “forgotten decade” because it …show more content…

The music of the eighties painted a perfect picture that captured the vibrant flavor of the decade. The films and TV propelled the younger generation to step out of the comfort zone and embrace their true selves while still stealing their attention with unparalleled ideas. And the fashion industry experimented with striking statements that revealed America’s identity as illustrated by the culture. Ergo, the cultural developments of the eighties impacted modern society by shaping future decades and by pushing people to make daring

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