18th Century Republicanism: Struggles for Equality and Rights

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Chapter six begins by explaining the significant differences 18th century republicans and modern day republicans. Republicanism to 18th century America represented ideology, commitment to equality and guarding of corruption of self-power. Many Americans worried that the citizens would become destructive and be in a constant scramble for material wealth. Slavery had started being criticized after Quaker John Woods began spreading sermons about the mishaps of slavery. He began to inform people that power in colonies were misused (whites often misused it.) John believed that Liberty was the natural right of all men equally. Abolitionist sentiment spread to all colonies and the demand for liberation from enslavement was on the rise. Africans Many White laborers resented having to compete against slaves. These standards and combined with other acknowledgement of slavery lead to the establishment of antislavery societies. Many North states started becoming lenient toward Africans and enslaved individuals, states such as Vermont and Pennsylvania emancipated slavery during the late 1700’s as they saw it as unconstitutional. Although blacks became free, many faced systematic discrimination such as being excluded from voting, juries, militia duties, and being revoked rights of full citizenship. This later created segregation and denied black access to a quality education. Women rights became an issue as men were seen as the sole providers of families. In many instances, women and children had no say so as to what goes on inside the home. Whatever the father believed is what their children and wife’s had to conform to. Many women such as Lucy Knox and Abigail Adams began challenging their husbands for respect and partial control in their union and homes. Despite gains of rights and divorce, republican society still defined women’s roles exclusively in terms of mother, wife, and homemaker. Any other roles pursued would seem unnatural and Antifederalist wanted prohibitions against cruel and unusual punishments and demanded for jury, trial, and freedom of religion. Madison regarded the proposal and amended the Bill of Rights. Madison’s ideas were composed into twelve amendments to protect individual rights from government interference. Ten of Madison’s ideas were ratified and became the Bill Of Rights. The Bill of Rights is considered to be the most important section of the United States Constitution. The BOR was passed and approved on September 25,

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