16 Year Old Driving

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Did you know that researchers have found that ever since there were tougher licensing laws, there was an increase in fatal car crashes involving 18-year-olds. This is why I think that 16-year-old teenagers should be able to drive and get licenses. My reasons are because they will have more experience, teens will be better taught about the rules of the road, and teens will be safer on the road. First, if teens learn how to drive at the age of 16 they will have more experience. This is important because novices tend to be more dangerous on the road, since they don’t know much and tend to forget very important factors. The earlier they learn to drive the more knowledge they will have about driving and road safety. In source 2 it says “‘We have more novices on the road at 18,’says Scott Masten of the California DMV and an author of the study. And some of them may not have enough experience under their belts to face risky conditions. Masten says this may help explain the increase in fatal crashes.” (Aubrey pg.157 lines 37-41) This section of the article …show more content…

If a teens learns about the road at the age of 18 they won’t know as much as a teen who started learning at the age of 16. Also teens are considered adults at the age of 18 which means that they don’t have to go through drivers ed and can drive whenever they want; but this is what causes car accidents to happen, non-knowledgeable people on the road. In source 2 it says “They found that tougher licensing laws have led to 1,348 fewer fatal car crashes involving 16-year-old drivers. But during the same period, fatal crashes involving 18-year-old drivers increased. They were behind the wheel in 1,086 more fatal accidents.” (Aubrey pg. 256 lines 21-25) These lines show how 18-year-olds that didn’t have the same knowledge as younger drivers got into more accidents, due to them not knowing the rules of the

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