12 Days Of Giveaways Research Paper

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Watching Ellen’s 12 Days of Giveaways? Great Christmas Light Fight, Deck The Wall

If you’re turning on the TV during Monday night’s prime time shows, expect to be treated to a little holiday fun. As we get closer to Christmas (it’s three weeks away, but who’s counting) the shows during the evening hours are getting more and more festive! This is a good thing if you love the holidays and all the joy that comes with the season. If you’re feeling it’s a bit too much, well, say hello to your uncle Scrooge for me. I joke, instead you can find a few less holiday shows on digital streaming right now.

Watching Ellen’s 12 Days of Giveaways?

Ellen DeGeneres is offering up some epic gifts once again with Ellen’s 12 Days of Giveaways. Are you watching? So far, this season, I’ve met eight people who have been invited and were gifted from this extraordinary event. Excited to be part of the action, they have come home with some great gifts and wonderful stories. You don’t need to be invited to enjoy the action. Watching the segments on TV is a wonderful way to see what is currently being given away and a great place to get some new gift ideas.

The Great Christmas Light Fight 2017 …show more content…

Rivals among the neighbors to see who has the best light display aren’t just for the locals anymore. Monday night’s Great Christmas Light Fight 2017 on ABC takes the good old-fashioned idea of being the best lighted house in the neighborhood to a whole new level. It’s almost as if colorful bulbs are strung on every surface to light up the house, the sky and even the snow. You can’t help but feeling jolly watching this wonderful show and it’s obvious that some folks go all out during the holidays leaving the rest of the world feeling joyful that they get to see the display (but aren’t living on that

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