1 Prophets 18: 20-46

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In 1 Kings 18:20-46 specifically reports the events of the test between the pagan and false god Baal and the one and true living God Yahweh. The introduction of passage is found in verses 21-25 in which Elijah will set up a test against Baal/ In verses 20 and 21, Ahab calls all the Israelites and the prophets to assemble at Mount Carmel. There I Elijah question them saying “’How long will you go limping with different opinions? If the Lord is God, follow him; but if Baal, then follow him’” (1 Kings 18:21 ESV). In this section Elijah is challenging the people to stop going in between two god’s and be faithful to the God who they have covenant with. “ The whole narrative is set up by a monotheistic stand point, that is, the worship of Yahweh as the sole God” (Fritz: …show more content…

In verse 22, he then shows acknowledges the perceived strength each side has with Baal having 450 and the only prophet of the lord left is Elijah. From there in verses 23-24 the test is then set up where each side will have a bull cut into pieces and they will lay it on wood, but not set it on fire. They will both call on the name of their god and who every responds by setting the bull on fire is then deemed as true God. The people of Israel accepts this and they commence the test in verse 25. This leads to the section of found in verses 26-29 where the Baal worshiper have their opportunity to petition and know Baal for their worth as a god. They choose their bull and prepared it as Elijah had previously mentioned. They did not set it in fire, but called out Baal “from morning to noon” (Kings 18:26). There was no answer, thus Elijah incites mockingly to shout knowing that their God would not answer their call saying “Cry aloud! Surely he is god; either he is meditating, or he has wandered away, or he is on a journey, or perhaps he is asleep and must be awakened’” (Kings

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