• Why Is The Catechism So Important To Martin Luther?

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Martin Luther Q1 Response: Why is the catechism so important to Martin Luther? Luther embraced the idea that the catechism, when read faithfully every day, allowed the Holy Spirit to enter people’s thoughts and brought them closer to Christ. Reading and reciting the catechism’s teachings pushed evil ideas away and prevented the devil from creeping into a person’s consciousness. Luther viewed the catechism as the informational foundation for the Christian church. The catechism was a guide for the basic information needed to be a learned Christian. A person who was not intimately familiar with the catechism’s contents should not be seen as a Christian, according to Luther, nor should they be admitted to a sacrament. (This was not only Luther’s …show more content…

Only in understanding the catechism, could a person ward off the constant attacks and assaults of the devil. Q2 Response: To whom is the catechism to be taught, and by whom is it to be taught? According to Luther the catechism was, first, to be taught to children. Servants should also study the catechism and be questioned to ascertain their understanding of its content. Common people and even the clergy should study the catechism as it was impossible to have a perfect understanding of the book. The catechism was to be taught by heads of household - Luther specifically referenced fathers - as well as by the clergy (pastors and preachers) to parishioners. Q3 Response: What matters, issues or ideas does the catechism teach? The catechism’s verses provided moral strength and comfort to help live life as God commanded. The 10 Commandments contained the moral rules necessary for living a righteous life. The Articles of Faith section explained the holy trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) and said that sins were to be forgiven. This section also discussed Christ’s resurrection from the dead and his everlasting life. The prayer, Our Father, taught how to achieve Christ’s will, to forgive others as we are forgiven and cautioned against straying into temptation and evil

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