Enso Circle and Zen

535 Words2 Pages

The Enso, or Zen circle, is what I have chosen as the focus of this paper. In my Google search for the “perfect” example of the Enso circle I realized this symbol has been reproduced hundreds, if not thousands of times. At first I was asking myself how could I identify with such a “stock” symbol that has been reproduced so many times? Had I really become sort of low in my expectations of what I had hoped to get from this class?
But while I was berating myself in the typical Roman Catholic fashion, I came to a realization about this piece of art. Perhaps the simplicity of the circle serves a utilitarian purpose, in a similar way that might consider a crucifix or a stop sign. Within the many variations I viewed it was typically and imperfect circle with sloppy brush strokes, which popped up. It became clear to me that this circle is not the most important part and what we should really be looking for is what it represents. That even within the imperfections, we can still view it as perfect, because we as individuals are perfect.
When I began looking for a piece of Zen art that I felt...

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