The Elizabethan Theater

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The Elizabethan Theater was an entertainment place located in England between 1562 and 1642. The theater was very famous during this time period for the popular plays presented to the audience. Shakespeare’s novels were one of the most well known acts in the Elizabethan Theater. One of his most popular novels was The Merchant Of Venice , which is still a popular novel nowadays. The novel deals with the relationship between christians and jews. It is about Shylock, a jewish moneylender, who seeks for revenge against Antonio, a christian merchant, who is not able to pay a loan. The novel is intended to be a comedy, and made the Elizabethan Theater audience laugh with every act performed. Nowadays, perspectives have changed, and what was considered humorous during that particular time period, nowadays can be seen as a tragedy. In “The Merchant Of Venice” , the christians humiliating jews, a daughter betraying her own father and racism are examples of situations that can be seen as a tragedy rather than a comedy.
The discrimination against jews, in England, started at a very early year, in 1290. During that time, jews were being expelled from England for following their beliefs. Until today, Christians have mixed feelings about jews, who they believe, killed Jesus Christ. During the time period when The Merchant Of Venice was written, the feeling many Christians had towards Jews was worse than nowadays. In Shakespeare’s novel, Shylock is a jew who is constantly humiliated by Antonio, who is a Christian. Throughout the majority of the novel, Jews are physically and verbally abused for following their beliefs. Antonio spits and verbally disrespects Shylock for being a Jew. Shylock reveal Antonio’s behaviour towards him by stating:
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... United States Of America. Even the Christian’s perspectives about other races have changed since the novel’s time period, when Father Augustine Tolton became the first black Roman Catholic priest, in 1886. Along with all those events of achievements coming from black people, points of view about different races have changed, and racism is a delicate subject that affects a variety of people in a, mostly, negative way.
Perspectives have changed since the Shakespeare time period. What was considered humorous to the audience in The Elizabethan Theater can, nowadays, be seen a tragedy. Jews being humiliated by Christians, a daughter betraying her own father and racism are aspects in William Shakespeare’s The Merchant Of Venice that would be considered and are intended to be a comedy. In the present days, those aspects are offensive and brutal for a lot of the readers.

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