Elizabethan Era of Music Culture

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The music was played very often as a normal routine. People considered it a must to know how to play an instrument, sing, or be involved somehow with music in this age of time. Instruments in the 1600’s were able to make any type of music; the amazing part was no matter how many instruments you used it would always sound pure and the same. Another unique thing about the music and culture in the 1600’s is that it was also healthy for the body. During the Elizabethan Era the people would gather together to dance and dance for hours, their stamina must have been incredible. Music was use to entertain most people. Before the music became a big part in people life during the Elizabethan Era theatre played a really big part during this time. It was out of the ordinary for women to take part in or be a part of the theatre during this period of time. Do to the fact that women were not allowed to play in any of the plays or drama, younger boys who were still young played the role of women.
The young men voices were still high pitch and bodies had not been matured, so the role of women was perfect for them. William Shakespeare took a big part in theatre during the Elizabethan Era and his work is still popular till this day. Most plays that you often hear about such during the 1600’s were pretty much his. One of his most famous plays that still grab reader’s attention is Romeo & Juliet. Another thing about the Elizabethan Era was the way they said their words, what they would do is use a four count beat and pitching their voices high and low. All through London theatre was very popular. In the 1600’s during the Elizabethan Era instruments had also played a big part in their time. Like once before I told you that any instrument could play a ...

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...received highest points of regard respect from surrounding European countries and entire Western Civilization.
There was a dance called the court dance I mentioned in the dance it required a partner like I said once before you were lucky enough to even meet your partner at one point of the dance. All social levels could communicate through dance, but it also was said that upper class and lower classes dance were very different. Upper classes enjoyed more of new and formal dances, rather than lower classes dance to all types of music but not too much formal more of a loud party. With all these different types of music instruments and dances it was a fact that mostly everyone loved this time period. I hope most of my information helped you and other readers about my project on the Elizabethan Era during the 1500’s and 1600’s. Thank You I hope you enjoyed my project.

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