Electricity: Electrical Grids

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Imagining life without electricity is like life without air. As the development is at its pace, the advancement is not possible without the consumption of electric power. Despite of the fact that we took electricity for granted, the present increasing demands for electricity cannot be fulfilled. For over more than a century, coal and other fossil fuels has been used by the power plants as the most favoured resource for power generation. This process is carried out with the help of the grids. Presently, more than 70% of the total global energy demand is satisfied by the burning of fossil fuels. If we continue to utilize fossil fuels to meet the needs of present generation, soon they will get exhausted and our future generation would be deprived of it.

The consumption of fossil fuels is responsible for increasing environmental pollution (air pollution, global warming etc.).Also the present power generation rate is not adequate to fulfil the growing or future demands. So, in order to compensate with the above stated problems, the concept of sustainable energy system has been introduced. In this system, the major paradigm is the energy conservation and use of renewable resources(wind, biomass, hydro, solar energy etc.).

Distributed generation (DG) is an alternative which is gathering momentum and an alternative source of energy such as photovoltaic, wind, fuel cells, etc., are playing an increasing role in meeting the ever increasing power demands. The need to integrate the renewable energy like wind energy into power system is to make it possible to minimize the environmental impact on conventional plant.[1][2]

1.1 Grids
A grid is a network or framework or an array of s...

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...s of the intercontinental Wide Area Synchronous Grid in order to create a market of free trade of energy similar to that of the free trade of goods. Super grid will function like the internet and the exchange of electricity or power will be the same as the exchange of information on the internet.

1. K. S. Hook, Y. Liu, and S. Atcitty, “Mitigation of the wind generation integration related power quality issues by energy storage,” EPQU J., vol. XII, no. 2, 2006.
2. R.Billinton and Y.Gao,”Multistate Wind Energy Conversion System models for adequacy assessment of generating systems incorporating Wind Energy,”IEEE Trans.on E.Conv., vol, 23, no.1, pp, 163-169, 2008.
3. Kaplan, S. M. (2009). Smart Grid. Electrical Power Transmission: Background and Policy Issues. The Capital.Net, Government Series. Pp. 1-42
4. http://www.energygroove.net/electricalgrid.php

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