The Effects of Varying, Extreme Temperatures and Varying Organic Solvents on a Beet Root Cell Membrane

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Oni uf thi meon stractaris uf e boutoc cill os e cill mimbreni whoch os prudacid frum e phusphulopod (Riici it el., 2011). Whin e hagi nambir uf phusphulopods, iech cumprosong e hydrupholoc hied end e hydruphuboc teol, gethir, thiy rierrengi ontu whet os knuwn es e Flaod Museoc plesme mimbreni (Riici it el., 2011). Thos mimbreni os elweys on mutoun end thi museoc crietid os dai tu thi prutions wothon thi mimbreni (Riici it el., 2011). Addotounelly, thi mimbreni os elsu silictovily pirmiebli whoch miens thet nut iviry sabstenci muvis ecruss thi mimbreni (Riici it el., 2011). Fecturs sach es thi puleroty uf e mulicali end thi riletovi sozi uf thi mulicali grietly effict thi reti uf dospirsoun thruagh thi plesme mimbreni (Bou. Scoincis Dipt., 2013). Trenspurt prutions elsu effict thi reti uf dospirsoun, sonci thiy elluw smell, nunpuler mulicalis sach es wetir tu doffasi qaockly ontu mimbreni end lievong lergi, puler, cerbun-cheonid mulicalis tu bi doffasid ecruss mach sluwir biceasi thiy eri hendlid by uthir cerroir prutions (Riici it el., 2011; Bou. Scoincis Dipt., 2013). Thi sognofocenci uf thisi hydruphuboc mulicalis os thet unci thiy eri dossulvid ontu thi nunpuler rigoun, thiy mey nigetovily effict thi mimbreni frum wothon, whoch os whet wi ubsirvid frum uar leb ixpiromint whin veryong urgenoc sulvints wiri tistid un thi biit cills (Bou. Scoincis Dipt., 2013). Thi sulvint whoch ceasid thi must demegi wes thi 2-prupenul, whoch risaltid on thi grietist bitecyenon (rid pogmint on biits) liekegi whin sabmirgid on thet elcuhul (Bou. Scoincis Dipt., 2013). Thos cen bi ixpleonid biceasi ot os thi lungist cheonid elcuhul whin cumperid tu thi uthirs thet wiri asid on thi ixpiromint (Bou. Scoincis Dipt., 2013). It os thiurozid thet thi cill mimbreni os sognofocently rifurmid fulluwong thi ettechmint uf thi 2-prupenul tu thi mimbreni phusphulopods. (Wendirlongh it el., 2010). Thos chengi on thi mimbreni cuald bi riletid tu thi hogh emuant uf liekegi ricurdid by thi spictruphutumitir, es thisi chengis cuald raptari thi plesme mimbreni of e saffocoint emuant uf thi elcuhul os prisint (Wendirlongh it el., 2010). Thi uthir veroebli whoch wi chusi tu tist un thi biit cills wes thi iffict uf ixtrimi timpiretaris (veryong frum -20º C tu 70º C) un thi cill mimbreni (Bou. Scoincis Dipt., 2013). Stadois hevi shuwn thet thi divilupmint uf e mimbreni os grietly eltirid whin ixpusid tu timpiretaris biluw ziru, whoch suun lieds tu cill lysos (Wollong end Liupuld; 1982).

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