Effects Of Immigration

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(Graphics not available) Immigration according to Merriam Webster dictionary is the act of entering a country in which one is not a native for permanent residence. With the exception of the American Indians, people living in America can trace their ancestry roots to a country outside of United States of America. According to Alan Allport, The United States has been a land of immigration for the past 200 years (Allport, 2005). Most of the original immigrants came from Europe especially the British Isles, the African slaves who were brought in to work the plantations and the Hispanic migrants from central and southern Americas. However, over the years, rules and regulations have been introduced to control the number of immigrants entering America. "A broad range of circumstances including famine, depression, war, technological innovation and industrialization influenced the course of immigration policy and immigration to the United States (Yans-Mclaughlin & Lightman, 1997). In the wake of 9/11, the Americans are now even the more cautious about whom they let into their country.


Visas have been introduced and most non-American citizens need to acquire one before setting foot on American soil. There are 2 types of visas known as immigrant and non –immigrant visa. Immigrant visas are given to people who qualify to come and stay in the United States and make it their home. This kind of visa is given to people who qualify under various categories including but not limited to; being a close relative of a citizen or by being selected randomly through the Diversity Visa Lottery. This is a lottery now commonly known as the ‘green card lottery' that was introduced by the US government to give to individuals from c...

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...els. It also has information such as the education attainment, employment status and household income of the foreign born individuals. It will also help me understand more the context of the words and terminologies such as emigrants and immigrants used to refer to the different ways and reasons people settled in America.

Wikimedia Foundation Inc. (2007). Immigration to the Unites States. Retrieved on January 12 2007 from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immigration_to_the_United_States

This website gives a clearer picture of the history of immigration in America. It is a free encyclopedia and it gives the history of the immigration laws, from when they first came into effect and the reason they were introduced. The wikipedia gives other helpful links on immigration. It is detailed on how the now Americans citizens view immigration and how it has changed over the years.

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