The Effective Use of Assessment for Learning Principles and Approaches

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‘Assessment is one of the most powerful educational tools for promoting effective learning. But it must be used in the right way’ (Assessment Reform Group 1999:2). Critically evaluating effective practices of assessment through its principles and approaches will enable us to explore what impacts it has on children’s learning. Beginning by exploring what assessment for learning is and what are the aims to achieve. Before continuing to explore different forms of assessment for learning evaluating the effectiveness and assessing the impact they have on children’s learning within the classroom. Concluding by addressing the problems with assessment for learning and if not being promoted in the correct manner could cause ineffective learning. (need to put something in just about assessment not just assessment for learning) maybe use a Shirley Clarke quote.
Assessment although being a critical part of the teaching and learning cycle may be one of the hardest areas for trainee teachers to address and understand but will crucially have a negative impact on children’s learning within any given classroom if not preformed effectively. The Department for Education and Science (1988:7) states ‘Promoting Children’s learning is a principal aim of schools. Assessment lies at the heart of this process. It can provide a framework in which educational objectives may be set and pupils’ progress charted and expressed. It can yield a basis for planning the next steps in response to children’s needs… It should be an integral part of the educational process, continually providing both feedback and feed forward’. To be able to have an understanding of how to assess children within the classroom firstly we must have a significant understanding of differen...

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