Dunkin Donuts Code of Ethics Analysis

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A code of ethics is a formal document in which is used to assist members of an organization, to know what’s ‘right’ and what is ‘wrong’ in the work place and applying it to their decisions. A code of ethics is a written set of rules or guidelines to help the workers and management ‘conduct’ or direct their actions with its primary values and ethical standards. A code of ethics is important because without it, employees and management wouldn’t have guidelines and the establishment would resemble a crazy house. Consider the establishment, Dunkin Donuts. Dunkin Donuts is a food establishment well-known for their famous donuts, coffee and their slogan “America runs on Dunkin”. Without a code of ethics, the industry would most likely be extremely hard to control. Within the Code of Ethics document there are a set of rules. One important rule for the workers of Dunkin Donuts to go by is Partnering with others. How the workers of the establishment partner with each other is very crucial. If employees are constant bickering or clashing heads it could disrupt the peace the homely environment that customers enjoy. In the document it states, when management chooses employees to work for the establishment they look for the person to possess basic skills, education, personal qualities, and financial resources necessary to perform and fulfill the needs and requirements of a franchise. It states that the Dunkin’ Donuts industry does not discriminate against race, color, religion, national origin, citizenship, age, disability, gender, sexual orientation, or any other factors prohibited by law. If a person applying for a position doesn’t obtain the qualities that the employer is looking for, the person applying will not receive the job. Not b... ... middle of paper ... ... when dealing with the code of ethics. When becoming an employee at a Dunkin’ Donuts establishment it is important for them to have a personal responsibility to understand and apply ethical behavior and act with the highest degree of ethics. The Code of Ethics provides managers and employees with guidelines and expectations on how to behave when working in the workplace. It is extremely important to provide workers with a Code of ethics because without it employees would be lost and wouldn’t have guidelines on how to be their best when working at the said Dunkin’ Donuts establishment. The Dunkin’ donuts industry is extremely dependent on they’re every day dealings with their co-workers. The Code of Ethics makes it easier for each worker to do the best they can when working for Dunkin’ Donuts and comply themselves to all their responsibilities the greatest they can.

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