Drugs: Mind Alternating Substance

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Drugs: Mind Alternating Substances

Drug abuse is on the rise and many people throughout the world have some sort of addiction to some illicit drug. Some people can use recreational drugs in moderation and continue use without affecting their daily activities, but there are some people who cannot and will develop disorders like tolerance, dependence and addiction from continued use. Drugs are “any substance, solid liquid or gas that changes the function or structures of the body in some way. This excludes food and water, which are required to maintain normal body functioning.”(Fitzroy Legal Service, 2013). Many of the recreational drugs are mind altering and cause changes in your feeling, thinking and doing. The three divisions of psychoactive drugs are depressants, stimulants, and hallucinogens. While some of these psychoactive drugs can be beneficial and therapeutic to your health, they can also affect you long term and can cause more harm to your body then good. Also the cost for using these illicit drugs has not only an effect on the persons using, but to society as a whole. “Abuse of tobacco, alcohol, and illicit drugs is costly to our Nation, exacting over $600 billion annually in costs related to crime, lost work, productivity, and healthcare.”(National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2012).

The purpose of depressants is to slow everything down including your neural functioning and body functioning. The depressants are: barbiturates, alcohol, and opiates. Barbiturates which are also known as tranquilizers are used to depress the central nervous system. Barbiturates are prescribed drugs that are used for numerous psychological disorders. Some of these disorders include anxiety, depression, epilepsy, and inso...

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...’s real and what isn’t can become fatal. Some of the psychedelics include: Acid (LSD), Ecstasy, Psilocybin mushrooms, Marijuana, and Peyote. Mushrooms contain Psilocybin which is the chemical that allows you to “trip”. Many people will eat them raw and this “trip” can last for up to four to six hours. During the high feelings intensify and pleasurable things increase. Mushrooms make colors more intense provide feelings of intense happiness, and it makes imagery more intense and can alter perception so deep that it can make normal wall look like its melting. Like other drugs taking Mushrooms affect the overall health of serotonin neurotransmitters, and the brain. People can also get sick on mushrooms having diarrhea and nausea which are just some of the side effects. People can also get have a reaction and can get poisoned from consuming mushrooms

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