Drug Use Among Young People

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Drug consumption is a wide spread problem throughout young people in the UK today. Drugs can affect young people’s life in many different ways however, young people are addicted with it so much that it is hard for them to withdraw from it. They do not like to withdraw the usage of drugs because it calms them or makes them energetic. There are three types of drugs with each of its own attraction for young people. More young men than young woman reported using drugs. About 48 per cent of young people aged between10-25 had been using drugs, which are very appalling results. In consequence, drugs can affect their physical and mental health; and their social lives as they may not have any friends. It can also affect their employment as they may lose their jobs thus, this can lead them to steal money in order to buy drugs-which mostly are very expensive. There are a lot of motivations about why young people are attracted to drugs. Sometimes when something dreadful happens in their lives they become so disappointed and thwarted; they will then turn into a hopeless person who is doomed to failure thus, they start looking for ways to help them forget their problems and make them to feel better. These motivations consist of: death of a family member or loved ones who they are close to; insolvency and bankruptcy; being dismissed from their job; curious and inquisitive people who wants to try drugs by themselves; being unstable; not being enough confident; influence of friends and being offered the opportunity by a friend they trust . There are three types of drugs, with different properties, Stimulants, Depressants and Hallucinogens. Stimulants affects the central nervous system, this will increase brain activity and will stop them fro... ... middle of paper ... ... Hence, Drastic measures need to be taken to prevent the usage among the youth of the future generation. Families and schools are the main factors that can help prevent drug abuse among teens. By creating prevention programs for the children in elementary schools, there is a less chance for children later on in their lives to take drugs. Drug education and information for parents or caretakers, can help children teach the abuse of legal and illegal substances, as families can have discussions about this topic. References for facts and figures: Drug-related-death-in-scotland-2007(Adobe Acrobat Document) www.sdf.org.uk Scottish drugs forum Bibliography: Technical-series (Adobe Acrobat Document) http://durban.thebeehive.org/Templates/Health/Level3Image.aspx?PageId= http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/1076381.stm

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