The Downfall of Oedipus

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Oedipus Rex by Sophocles is regarded as a very highly studied Greek play. Even though it was written almost 2500 years ago, it is still widely studied by both students and scholars alike. Oedipus Rex has passed the test of time, because people today can still relate to the themes and feelings experienced by Oedipus in the play. One of the main themes is the downfall of Oedipus and what the cause of this downfall is. The main plot of Oedipus was well known to the Ancient Greeks before it was even written by Sophocles. When Oedipus was born, King Laius and Queen Jocasta received a prophecy about their son (Oedipus Rex 49). It was claimed that Oedipus would kill his father and marry his mother. To try to prevent this prophecy they gave their son to shepherd to do away with him. However the shepherd did not have the heart to kill the young child and gave him away to a traveler from a distant land (Oedipus Rex 49). Many years later, Oedipus is grown and is told about the prophecy, but still thinks that the King and Queen of Corinth are his true parents. He vows never to return ...

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