Different Roads Traveled by Immigrants

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Different Roads Traveled by Immigrants

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In the world there are six billion people. All of these people are equal in the idea of the human race. These people are not always viewed as equals in some parts of the world. America is the melting pot of the world. America offers refuge to people in need and also who are just looking to pursue a better life. On that note I am going to give a compare and contrast essay between the migrants of Mexico and the migrants from Europe. My goal is to show the very different perspectives of the American Dream and ways of going about accomplishing it.

I interviewed my boss, who is Dutch and the chef at my work that is Mexican. The reason I chose them is because they each came to a foreign land and has made a good life for themselves. Maurice is my boss. He was born in Holland. He lived there until he was about nineteen and then he moved to Switzerland. Migrating through Europe is much different than migrating to the United States, as long as you are a European. If an American wanted to go it would be much more difficult. I asked Maurice what the migration laws are back in Holland and he had no Idea what the restrictions were and are. This is very similar to myself, because I had never needed to know these laws.

Tommy is the chef at my work. He moved to America 12 years ago, with his family. His father and Mother are both here, along with his brothers and sisters also. There are seven kids total. When Tommy moved here he spoke no English and had very little education, or room for advancement in the work force. Tommy came over here with his mother and father in 1990. They migrated here with thirty-five dollars b...

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...pportunity is available to anyone. Whether you are Dutch or Mexican you have the opportunity to better your life and your families lives. Maurice told me the most amazing thing to him is, were he is at right now in his life. He owns a fifty-inch flat screen television, a beautiful condo in Old town and a brand new car. He didn’t think that this could all be possible within seven years of coming to America. Tommy has two kids and is living in a four-bedroom house that is close to his family and friends. His kids are both very good at school and are making their dad very proud. Tommy may not have the big TV, but he says “I am happy with what I do, and I am happy because I can support my family.” This just shows you that every person deserves the right to live in happiness, and should be given the opportunity to better the lives of their families and friends.

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