Differences Between Homosexuality and Homosexual Behavior

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Homosexuality (the tendency to be more sexually attracted to the same sex) is often confused with homosexual behavior (acting on homosexuality by engaging in homosexual acts), but the two are distinctly different. Even though homosexual behavior, especially in more recent years, has become an acceptable standard in our society it is a voluntary act and a sin, but the church has the ongoing responsibility and God-given call to love our neighbors, regardless of their sin because we too are all sinners. In light of this, we as Christian should treat homosexual behavior as we would any other sin by condemning the sin yet loving, nurturing, and keeping accountable the sinner.

Within the scope of this argument is also found the nature versus nurture debate. While there have been some scientific studies done to “prove” the genetics behind homosexuality, these studies have largely been debunked, leading toward strong evidence in favor of a nurtured causation of homosexuality. In Authentic Human Sexuality, authors Balswick and Balswick present many strong arguments in favor of the nurture argument, first of which is the discussion on social learning theories on pages 98 and 99. There are five different offered social theories in support of the nurture stance. The next section in the book discusses the Neopsychoanalytic perspective on the origins of homosexuality, which I think better encompasses the nurture argument and puts the social learning theories to a common ground, as well. Both the neopsychoanalytic and the social learning theories suggest that there is a lack of proper growth during formative years in an individual’s life. From this lack of proper growth, as the neopsychoanalytic perspective explains, a natural need for parental...

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...understand, however, is the invisible church’s response to homosexuals. Jesus loved the sinners; in fact, he spent most of his time with sinners such as prostitutes, tax collectors, and lepers. In light of this, we as Christians are essentially called by Christ through the example he gave to us by his life to love homosexuals despite their sin, while lovingly keeping them accountable to curtail the sin. Part of the major uncomfortability with this is that their sin is public, whereas most people try to hide their sin as best they can. We are all sinners as much as any homosexual who acts on their sexual desires, especially in the eyes of God. Our social perceptions, though, make the homosexual behaviors look like more of a grievous sin because of its unacceptable nature. At any rate, we know our mission: to make disciples of all nations, even if they are homosexual.

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