Dietary Analysis for Healthy Eating and Living

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According to my 5-day Nutrients Report, I consumed an average of 12 grams of dietary fiber. The DRI for fiber intake is 38 grams, which means that my current diet is lacking in this particular carbohydrate. I should be eating roughly three times the amount of fiber I am currently consuming. According to my 5-day Nutrients Report, approximately 27% of the energy (calories) in my diet came from fat. The AMDR for total fat intake is between 20% and 35%. Thus, my diet is adequate in fat and there is no need to alter my total intake of this macronutrient. According to my 5-day Nutrients Report, I consumed an average of 124 milligrams of cholesterol. It is recommended that we keep our dietary cholesterol intake below 300 milligrams per day. Therefore, I am currently meeting this goal and there is no reason to alter this portion of my diet; though lowering my cholesterol intake wouldn’t hurt. According to my 5-day Nutrients Report, I consumed an average of 14 grams of linoleic acid (omega-6) and 0.8 grams of alpha-linolenic acid (omega-3). Based on the recommended requirements as stated in the question, I am consuming adequate omega-6 but not enough omega-3. Thus, I should start incorporating more omega-3 food sources (e.g. fish, which I rarely eat) in my diet. According to my 5-day Nutrients Report, I consumed an average of 67 grams of protein. Based on my weight (170 lbs.) and sedentary lifestyle, I should be consuming roughly 61 grams of protein per day. Thus, although my average consumption is slightly above my recommended value, there is really no need to alter this portion of my diet given that most Americans consume 1.5 to 2 times their own recommendation. According to my 5-day Nutrients Report, I consumed an average of ... ... middle of paper ... ...utritional record isn’t far off from the data I obtained from myPlate. Three positives to my current diet are 1.) All of my macronutrient intakes are within the AMDR range, 2.) Most of my vitamin and mineral intakes are adequate and are at a healthful level, and 3.) My cholesterol and saturated fat levels are respectively under and within the DRI; also mono and polyunsaturated fats make up most of my total fat intake. Three things in my current diet that I could improve on are 1.) Reducing the amount of empty calories I consume to < 13% of my total energy intake, 2.) Eat a larger variety of vegetables, as well as incorporating whole fruits and whole grains into my diet, and 3.) Improve my intake of omega-3, especially DHA and EPA, by incorporating more seafood into my diet (this will also boost the levels of some of the vitamins and minerals I’m lacking in as well).

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