Diamonds are Forever: the James Bond Franchise and Blood Diamonds

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Diamonds symbolize wealth, success, power, and really all of the characteristics of living the good life. Shirley Bassey immortalized her love for the jewels as she sang “diamonds are forever, they are all I need to please me “are the first two lines of the song. Diamonds are forever is the theme song of the same name for the seventh film in the James Bond Franchise. Diamonds are forever was released in 1971, transitioning into the decade 2010 I believe we still have the same Obsession on the value we as consumers and a society place on Diamonds. People have a fascination with diamonds. Although these precious stones are visually captivating and highly valuable are they more precious than human life? If the answer is Yes, Then you support blood/conflict diamonds. If the answer is No, than become a conscious consumer by purchasing only certified diamonds. The trading and distribution of blood diamonds must have zero demand and zero tolerance if blood diamonds are to be complete if blood diamonds are to be completely and effectively eliminated. What are Blood diamonds? Are you familiar with Conflict diamonds? Perhaps you have heard of them, perhaps not. Blood diamonds and Conflict diamonds are interchangeable titles for illegal diamonds that usually are a bi product of warfare and even genocide. Other names for conflict diamonds include: converted diamonds, hot diamonds or simply as war diamonds. Conflict Diamonds “such gemstones earned the nickname because of their association with military groups and violent strife” (“Conflict diamonds “ The major components in regards to diamonds are the four C’s: cut clarity, carat, and color. Sixty five percent of the word diamonds come from African Countries (diamond facts.o... ... middle of paper ... whether to involve US forces in faraway disputes. Opponents to intervention cite recent failures that occurred in peace missions in Africa. Opponents to intervention have a logical perspective. America is responsible in depleting African resources as well as allowing illegal trading practices with African countries in the past, with this said the U.S has a responsibility in strengthening its economic structure. The United States has extended its hand on several occasions most recently in rebuilding Iraq. Supporters of intervention are called internationalist argue “some proponents of using the American military to intervene in humanitarian crises Africa believe that the suffering of civilians in sufficient reason mobilization (“U.S intervention in Intervention however is costly and may not be affective without proper planning and resources.

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