Developing Aggression: Violent Video Games

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The first set of cold, clammy hands closes around my ribs. Another circles my ankle, my arm, my neck. With an irritated sigh, I restart the level for the third time as the words, “Game over” flash across the screen. Sound familiar? This scene is very common among modern zombie apocalypse games. Though the titles of these games vary, the theme remains the same: to fight for one’s life. Users are thrust into a world where they must combat violence thrown at them with violence of their own. The sheer thrill of it can be very exciting and relates well to many youth because of its life or death component. All of a sudden, eight year old boys are armed with machine guns to blast the heads off of shuffling zombies, bug-eyed aliens, and more commonly, modeled soldiers. But, while the video games continue to be mass produced, the cognitive and social skills of America’s youth suffer. With the mental health of the newest generation on the line, is it really justifiable to pass off buying the newest violent video game as innocent fun?

Cognitive skills are skills that allow children to grow and develop into adults mentally. They are the tools for understanding the building blocks of academic material and more importantly, how all of it fits together. Being able to prioritize problems, understand them, and find solutions are cognitive skills. Interestingly enough, violent video games mimic these skills in the way that gamers are confronted with an enemy that they must defeat within a certain time interval. In a way, when the gamer defeats an opponent, they have solved a problem. Most often the opponent is defeated by simply having the “bigger gun.” The trouble is in the fact that users begin to gain a confidence in their virtual victories th...

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... sources of media accelerating the world’s decline into aggressive stupidity. Does a seven year old child really need a game about blowing the heads off of rebel soldiers to make them happy? Is it going to help them relate to the other seven year olds in their class at school, or help them learn how to take a math test? No. Fact is, the damage of exposing developing children to violence at early ages outweighs the advantage of giving them easy entertainment. If anything, it makes one wonder what the video game world will have disintegrated to in ten years if this is what the kids are playing now.

Works Cited

Shin, Grace. "Video Games: A Cause of Violence and Aggression."

Serendip. 202.2 (2011): 1. Web. 22 Sep. 2011. .

Muir, Hazel. "The Violent Games People Play." New Scientist. 184.2470

(2004): 26. Print

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