Desktop Virtualization and Virtual Desktop Infrastructure Devices

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Moore’s law states that “every two years the number of transistors per square inch on integrated circuits has doubled every year since the integrated circuit was invented” (Intel, 2014). This was a term that was coined by Intel co-founder Gordon Moore in 1995 (Webopedia, 2014). This trend has allowed computers to go from large devices, where one computer would take up entire rooms to the computer devices we have now. This same trend can be seen in all parts of computer technology including the networking side of computer hardware. Where once we had simple peer-to-peer networks, then client-server networks and now we have cloud computing and virtualization. With virtualization, we can now use computers that are no longer in the same room or even the same building and work on the computers as if they were sitting right next to the user just like a normal computer.

What is Desktop Virtualization

Desktop Virtualization takes the idea of running a computer and turns it into a service that provides users a desktop even over a great distance. This is done by “isolating a logical operating system instance from the client that is uses to access the operating system” (Rouse & Madden, Desktop Virtualization, 2011). The basic idea is that the end user will get a version of the operating system that is streamed to their office location. The user will then be able to move around and work on the instance of the operating system that they have as if the computer that they are connecting to is like any other normal computer they connect to and work on in their office. Whereas instead of the computer they are connecting to is in front or next to them the computer that they are working on can be in another room in the building or perhaps...

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The Virtualization Practice. (2014). Presentation Virtualization. Retrieved from The Virtualization Practice, Virtualization & Cloud Computing News, Resources, and Analysis:

Tittel, E., & Lindros, K. (2013, December 16). Virtual Desktop Infrastructure Offers Risks and Rewards. Retrieved from CIO:

Webopedia. (2014). Moore's Law. Retrieved from Webopedia:

Webopedia. (2014, January 23). The 7 Layers of the OSI Model. Retrieved from Webopedia:

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