Essay On Depletion Of Natural Resources

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Imagination a world without Oil, Water, Iron, coal, etc. you sit down to make some coffee you don’t have no water to make it! *Gasp* With no natural resources you can't do nothing! You would die, animals would die, everything will die! We couldn't create anything so Earth would be counterproductive. Depletion Of Natural Resources causes many problems all over the world that are caused by overpopulation that needs to be addressed.
Depletion Of Natural Resources is a problem that is affected all over the world but there is major regions that are affected by this problem. China is a big area affected by this problem because of all the overpopulation there. There is 1.351 billion people in china and with increasing population we will run out …show more content…

Many like not having any resources all! Like completely out of oil,water, ores, etc. We could never get these things back! Its not like we don't use these resources, we use them for everything and all the time. The world could could not survive without having these resources, this means if we have less trees in the world then we have less air then less people its all a chain reaction. This is why we need to find some ways to stop these long and short term …show more content…

I know that we can't replace the air or the trees and living things.but we could try to replace some of the oil or coal! I know we have already have invented charcoal which you can create and is not a natural resource, but if we try hard enough we could invent other ways to have natural resources!
There is not a lot being done regarding this issue as I see,but I did find this one that the world is drilling down lower into the earth in hope to find water that has never been touched before! This could be great if they found more water. I know were not in desperate needs for water but in future years we will be. So this will help keep the earth alive and may also help to find a new way of creating water or finding more of it!
I think we should try to use the our resources more cautiously. I mean we use 85 million barrels a day of oil, at this rate our crude oil supply would be depleted in 25 YEARS! Everyone in the world should be doing this! If we don’t we're not going to survive on earth! We use the cured oil for fuel which is used for power or made into gas, which we need on earth! So this is how I think we should try to stop this

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