The Declaration of Independence and it's Relevancy to the NSA controversy

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The Declaration of Independence by Thomas Jefferson provides some very valid arguments. These claims are useful for many reasons. They also offer valuable insight into the current National Security Agency (NSA) domestic spying program controversy. Jefferson is a very persuasive writer for many reasons. He employs many rhetorical strategies throughout his argument. This text is considered a classic, one that was important in the time it was written, and equally important now. The Declaration of Independence is an ongoing and viable model to put to use for the current NSA domestic spying program controversy. Jefferson crafts numerous arguments throughout this text. He believes that citizens have the right to disband their current government when it begins to restrict their freedom. Also, he explains that citizens have the right to enjoy their lives without being constrained by the government. Furthermore, Jefferson implies that the government was originally created to protect our rights not limit them. In addition, he suggests that in order to maintain their happiness and safety, citizens have the right to abolish the old government and institute a new one. Jefferson also insinuates that humankind is more likely to suffer than to change the sufferable conditions. He hints that to protect future generations from having to endure what the current generation has endured, it is their duty to overthrow the current government. These arguments are significant for many reasons. They allow Americans to understand that they do not have to tolerate a government that restricts their freedom. Also, the arguments explain that citizens deserve to live happy lives. They reveal that sometimes the government attempts to take advantage of its citiz... ... middle of paper ... written and equally important now. Works Cited Ball, James, Julian Borger, and Glenn Greenwald. "Revealed: How US and UK Spy Agencies Defeat Internet Privacy and Security." The Guardian, 5 Sept. 2013. Web. 06 Nov. 2013. . Gellman, Barton, and Ashkan Soltani. "NSA Infiltrates Links to Yahoo, Google Data Centers Worldwide, Snowden Documents Say." Washington Post. The Washington Post, 30 Oct. 2013. Web. 06 Nov. 2013. . Jefferson, Thomas. "The Declaration of Independence." The Norton Reader. 13th ed. Ed. Linda H. Peterson, et al. New York: W.W. Norton &, 2012. 804-06. Print.

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