Debate Over the Existence of God

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Is There a God?.. A big question that billions of people didn’t yet proved that’s it’s true or not, but we can search and find out if there is a real God or not .. Even if we don’t have much evidence that explain this answer, but we can find out the truth with a little bit of searching and thinking without judging about it. No one can tell you that you have to believe that God is here or not, even if you are not sure about it, you have to seek by yourself. The Bible said that there is people who saw the God, so there is some evidence that appear here, Jesus also said in the Bible "You will seek me and find me; when you seek me with all your heart, I will be found by you.”, so here Jesus want us to find out and to seek the truth which is the Lord and the presence of him so if you do your best you will find it by yourself.

Here are some evidence that state the presence of God, maybe it’s not too much to let us believe, but we maybe think about them and compare them to the present:

 First of all, The Creator and the Designer of our planet sustains it till today and that’s mean that there is a protector which is “God” that manage all these creatures also here are many example of God’s Design which has no end :

a. The Earth

b. Water

c. The Human Brain

d. The Eye

 Second, What led the Universe to start ? The Scientists illustrates that our Universe has started by a very huge explosion of Energy and light “The universe has not always existed. It had a start...what caused that? “ Actually it’s God.

 Many Laws of Nature operate our Universe today.

 DNA code informs, programs a cell's behavior.

 God every day seek us and want us to be with him by many approaches .. he just want us to come to him.

 Christ is the best pictu...

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...oo much equal but it’s possible to let us think of the availability of God. He gave us physical body and he wants us to learn, and to grow and find the happiness for each one. He gave us the free choice, but it will come with a price in the end, we can do whatever we want, which have consequences in the end, sometimes good and sometimes bad, and by this choices and actions we decide what we will face in the future with him.

Works Cited

Adamson, Marilyn. ”Is there a God “. Every Student. Every Student, N.D. Web. 28 January.2014

• David, French. ” Yes, There is Evidence God Exists “. Patheos. Patheos, August 14, 2013. Web. 10 February.2014

• Penn, Jillette. ” There Is No God “. NPR. NPR, November 21, 2005 4:28 PM. Web. 10 February.2014

• William, Lane Craig. ”Does God Exists? “. Reasonable Faith. Reasonable Faith, N.D. Web. 29 January.2014

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