Death Penaluty: Vengeance or Forgiveness?

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Death Penalty
When it comes to Capital Punishment, the question is vengeance or forgiveness? Before you answer, you should know what capital punishment is. Capital punishment, better known as the death penalty, is a legal process where someone is put to death as punishment for a crime, usually rape and murder. Although recently it has been reduced to only murder and more countries are looking to abolish the punishment. As of 2011, there are only 21 listed countries to take part in capital punishment. The People’s Republic of China had up to 4,000 executions and the United States with only 43 executions. Big difference between the two, but it shows the diversity in what people think is right. Vengeance or forgiveness?
The topic of whether the death penalty is justice or murder is controversial and highly debated amongst the world. One half says that it is Justice to take the life of a murderers or rapists, because they deserve equal fate to those they killed. One half says that it is murder to kill someone for their crimes, because it makes the government no different from th...

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