Data Collection Method and Analysis

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In order to provide the Australia Park Victoria with the appropriate data to solve its current crisis, the most appropriate method of data collection for this research is the qualitative method. According to Gay and Airasian (p 627) qualitative method is the collection of extensive data on various variables over a long time in a natural setting with an aim of acquiring insights not possible using other methods. It involves three different kinds of information collection: direct observation, in depth and open-ended interviews and written documents. Qualitative method involves use of random sampling and structured data collection instruments that fit different experiences. The method also enables the researcher to study the specific area of research into details thus making him or her to come up with results that are easy to summarize, make comparisons and even generalize. Qualitative data collection methods are the best when evaluating the impact of an issue since it provides information that is important to comprehend the processes that have led to the observed results and tests the changes in people’s perception of their well-being. In addition, qualitative methods may be implemented to improve the quality of survey-based quantitative evaluations through generation of evaluation hypothesis which empowers the design of survey questionnaires and also clarifying quantitative evaluation results (Hentschel, 1999).

The reason this method is the most appropriate is because firstly, this method is open-ended and has less structured protocols, thus a researcher may have the freedom to change the information collection strategy by addition or dropping some participants. Secondly, the researcher relies on different data collection methods...

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