Critical Pedagogy: The Study of Oppression in Education

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In the education world, the topic of critical pedagogy will be introduced to many. Before one can discuss critical pedagogy, one must know the meaning of it. Critical pedagogy is known to many as the study of oppression in education. It includes how issues of sex, race, gender, culture, and other social factors shape education. Critical pedagogy is also known by many as how teaching and learning takes place. An example of critical pedagogy is when students are able to ask why and respond or challenge questions that are asked in a free manner. When thinking of critical pedagogy, one must think of going beyond the first level of the meaning of a word, topic, or issue.

When it comes to social philosophy and its place in curricula, I feel that it does have a place. The social views of people in today’s society have a major influence of what is place within a curriculum. Most curriculums are developed based on the needs and some wants of local persons in society. Many businesses say that all persons graduated from high school should not attend college but should attend an institution where everyday trades are taught. Parents of this society have influence on what is in curricula today, as well. If parents feel as though books read in English classes are bias, racist, or explicit, they may cause the curriculum for English to be adjusted or changed to a certain extent. At times I feel that social philosophy has too great a place in curriculum. Because social philosophy is accepted by some, it should not take priority over what many educators know to be included in curricula taught in today.

When it comes to curriculum, my own personal philosophy has influenced what I have done. As a past secondary mathematics tea...

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...ilosophy with conflicting philosophies of others is to listen to the other person first. When I allow others to be the first to discuss their view or thought, it gives me the opportunity to think and map out the way I want to express my view on things using my own personal beliefs. I feel that listening first gives one a chance to impose their view in a respectful and more accepting way. Another way I balance things is by always remembering everyone is different with different personalities. This usually results in people developing their own philosophy.

Hopefully society, in the near future, will realize that the approaches that are used to teach students must go beyond the teachers asking questions but students asking questions and challenging the teachers to help them to have a deeper and more meaningful understanding of concepts and issues.

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