Critical Analysis of a Published Article

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The main point of this article is facts about arranged marriage. This article has addressed to the audience of British society apart to British Asians. Because the writer, intended to present them the real meaning, about the arranged marriages and how it works. In addition, it gives a clear method to the part of British people who an arranged marriage is different from their viewpoints. The writer gave this article an obvious title, which clearly sends out what he has proposed to say to those against arranged marriages.
This is the title: Sardar, Ziauddin. (2008) “Life & Style 2008” The First Person-Family, [online] Available From: [Accessed 13 Sep 2008]: 1) - Arranged marriages fascinate in the UK like watching horror films. Don’t scoff writer says to the British society, could learn a lot from the Asian experience). This is a very serious message, which can easily keep up the reader’s concentration.

That is why I have chosen this article. Because it is a very interesting article and it has many, truthful stories which all based to arrange marriages. The other interested point that I preferred this article is how the author clarified the meaning of the arranged marriage and forced marriage. This could give extra interest to this article and may augment the reader's understanding again and again.
The writer started his article by saying that he has been always married. Has there any person been married all his life? The answer is no but the writer is trying to explain how his marriage was and the type of marriage it was. For example, the writer said that he never met his partner before his marriage or they met a little time without being alone. All these he may present, all arranged marriage argumen...

... middle of paper ... arranged marriage that he experienced. Also, said his extended family is still together. In addition, the writer declares sometimes the parents, who arranged marriages might not go away, but still has taken an important role to support how couples life becomes easier and victorious.
Also says his daughter asked him to compose her marriage's arrangements. In addition, he said Younger Asians believe the arranged marriage enhance their freedom and dignities. All those evidence writer put in the written could be enough to his message is facts that he well-informed. The writer uses a different written language style, which all is suitable for the people who the writer talks about in his article. As the writer's aim to say part of British people, do not jeer about British Asian’s arranged marriages. From my point of view, this is a suitable language to them.

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