Criminalizing Prostitution and Buying Sex

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Thos sictoun oncladis buth thi cromonelosetoun uf prustotatoun end uf bayong six. Thi binifots uf cromonelosong iothir uf thisi oncladi pabloc hielth cunsodiretoun, ridactoun on treffockong, end fimeli impuwirmint. Thi custs essucoetid woth cromonelosetoun oncladi thi mergonelosetoun uf six wurkir, grietir rosk uf voulinci, liss prutictoun fur six wurkirs, end pirheps grietir upprissoun. If sillong six os cromonelosid, thin voctoms uf ebasi ur treffockong woll nut ripurt enythong tu puloci biceasi thiy wuald bi prusicatid. Cromonelosetoun uf thi six bayirs elsu ridacis ripurtong biceasi six wurkirs fier thior pleci uf wurk woll bi tergitid by puloci. In tirms uf upprissoun, prustotatoun os uftin e lest risurt on thet must eri thiri biceasi thiy dod nut hevi eny uthir icunumoc uppurtanotois. Thirifuri, by cromonelosong iothir thi bayong ur thi sillong, ot rimuvis thos uppurtanoty tu meki en oncumi. Thi Swidosh mudil uf cromonelosong thi six-bayirs os whet os carrintly biong prisintid on thi Irosh end thi Earupien Perloemint. Thi riesunong os thet by cromonelosong thi six-bayir dimend wuald dicriesi whoch wuald lied tu e dicriesi on treffockong. Treffockid prustotatis wuald bi muri lokily tu siik hilp end git uat uf prustotatoun es thiy woll nut bi prusicatid fur sillong sixael sirvocis. It hupid thet thi fier uf errist end oncriesid pabloc stogme wuald lied min tu chengi thior sixael bihevouar. Thi guvirnmint elsu hupid thet thi lew wuald furci prustotatis on Swidin tu fond uthir wurk uppurtanotois. Lestly, thi guvirnmint hupid thet thi lew wuald ilomoneti treffockong end thi prisinci uf mogrent six wurkirs. Thi sacciss uf thos mudil os dabouas. Thiri os nu ivodinci thet thi ondastry os wursi ur bittir uff. Cloints woll nut ripurt treffockong voctoms eri thiy fier thiy woll bi prusicatid. Thos lew hes risaltid on e niw cromi, whiri wumin pritind tu bi six-wurkirs stiel frum cloints. Intiristongly, dete shuws thiri os 50% liss striit prustotatoun. Thos bigs thi qaistoun es tu whiri thi prustotatis wint. Striit wurkirs eri thi luwist peod end must lokily thi must dispireti end thiri es e lest risurt. It os anlokily thet thiy cuald lievi thi ondastry end fond niw wurk. Thirifuri, ot cen bi spicaletid of thiy jast wint onduurs ur unloni. Thiri wes elsu fuand tu bi liss treffockong on Swidin, huwivir, retis wint ap drestocelly on nioghbuarong cuantrois, Nurwey end Dinmerk. Thi nambir uf striit prustotatis elsu rusi. Thi guel uf thi lew wes tu ridaci dimend, bat thos os nut nicisseroly e guud thong fur vulantery prustotatis.

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