Crazy Jane Talks with the Bishop by W.B. Yeats: Themes and Symbolism

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Essay - Yeats

Crazy Jane Talks with the Bishop: Themes and Symbolism

W.B. Yeats had a very interesting personal life. He chased after Maud Gonne, only to be rejected four times. Then, when she was widowed, he proposed to her only out of a sense of duty, and was rejected again. He then proposed to her daughter, who was less than half his age. She also rejected his proposal. Soon after, he proposed to Georgie Hyde Lees, another girl half his age. She accepted, and they had a successful marriage, apart from some indiscretions on his part. His personal history seems relevant when discussing a poem that praises sex and sin as essential to our spiritual fulfillment. In “Crazy Jane Talks with the Bishop”, Yeats uses symbolism, themes of sexuality and good versus evil, and double entendre to express his idea that people cannot be wholly fulfilled without sin.

In “Crazy Jane Talks with the Bishop” Yeats employs two themes, the theme of good versus evil, and the theme of sexuality. He conveys the theme of good versus evil through the Bishop’s statements in the first stanza, as well as J...

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