The Construction of Australian Identities

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The national identity of Australians has been one of the controversial issues among the region. Fair go, mateship, equalitarianism, multiculturalism are some commonly accepted national identities among Australians. Nonetheless, since the British’s in1788, the Anglo-Saxon heritage had inevitably led to the developing of “Britishness” and “whiteness” as one of the core national identity of Australians. This essay will focus on how the Australian national identities of “whiteness” and other identities have been constructed by silencing and exploiting the ‘Other’ non-white histories as on political, economic and cultural aspects. Examples would be given as evidence to support the standpoint of this essay.

“Whiteness” is one of the core and crucial national identity of Australians. The construction of “whiteness” as an identity is apparently linked to Australian’s colonial history. Robinson (2004) suggested that “Whiteness is not a basic categorical object and being socially constructed. Instead the concept 'white' denotes nothing more than skin colour. It is the Indigenous 'other' who is the focus of racialisation and its effects.” (ppg 145) His statement implies that Aboriginals are the major community being silenced and discriminated in the Australian society. There is a prevailing belief among Australians that “White represents the norm, the natural order of things, or self while non- White represents the Other who may threaten, degrade, pollute or contaminate the White race” (Kamp, 2008,ppg.413). Those who are considered as “white” are mainly determined by sharing common interests and culture with the British colonizers.

The British invasion in Australia in 1788 has already symbolized a starting of non-white histories bei...

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...y, economically and culturally and Australian identities have developed on the basis on silencing the non-whites.

Works Cited

Cohen, J (2000), Sydney: The emergence of a world City, Oxford University Press, Oxford

Jones, G.W. (2003) Legacies of White Australia; Race, Culture and Nation, University of Western Australia Press, Crawley

Kamp, A., (2010), ‘Formative Geographies of Belonging in White Australia: Constructing the National Self and Other in Parliamentary Debate, 1901’, Geographical Research, Vol. 48(4)

Levey, G. B., (2008), Multiculturalism and Australian national identity, Berghahn Books, New York

Robinson, M. A., (2008), Whiteness matters: Australian studies and indigenous studies, University of Queensland Press, Queensland.

Waitt, G et al, (2000), Introducing Human Geography: Globalisation, Difference and Inequality, Longman, Sydney

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