Conservation of the Environment in A.S. Farm Company

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Conservation of the environment has been recognized as a national priority and wide range of policies, laws & regulations are available for this purpose. It is a prerequisite to pay special attention to environmental issues and comprehensives environmental impact assessment study with regard to major industrial/commercial developments. This phase includes an assessment of likely impacts to ensure that any development undertaken is environmentally safe and complies with requirements of the community and requirements of rural land holders. Even though the proposed farm will be a medium scale, the company will operate the farm in such a manner as to minimize any harm to the environment and also resort to recognize operating practice against unnecessary damage.

It will be made make sure that this agriculture and animal husbandry development will be an environmentally friendly enterprise. Agriculture and animal husbandry industry main environment issues arising and identified the following phases,

1. Land Preparation
2. Use fertilizer, pesticides and weedicides
3. Post-harvesting, storage and Transportation process
4. Feeding for animals
5. Watering for animals
Unlike other industries, the A.S. Farm Company determines to minimize unfriendly operations such as,

 Soil Erosion
Land preparation phase of the farm uses machineries and equipment. These equipment use for debussing, remove the trees etc… These activities create soil erosion though,

a. Water
Intense rains that have not been captured within the landscape can create torrents of water which erode top soils. This can result in the farming of deep gullies.

b. Wind
This type of erosion is often heavy wind season and when the soil is dry.

 Solid waste
The farm post h...

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... animal feed and rest of the waste use for compost. Hard wood has been arisen from the animal feeding operations. This waste use for cooking and the company hand over them to village community free of charge.

 Watering
The farm apply modern technology for irrigate the crops and use,
a. Drip Irrigation/Micro Irrigation
b. Sprinkle Irrigation
c. Flood irrigation

Methods to irrigate the crops.

This methods effectively use for irrigate the crops with less reduce the cost and human intervention.

In addition to the above, the company will use on farm management practices i.e. increasing organic matter levels, water management, soil cover, Planting pattern etc..

A.S. Farm Company will be made make sure that this agriculture and animal husbandry development will be an environmentally friendly enterprise and no other major environmental issue arising from the farm.

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