Comparing 1930's Society, as Depicted in To Kill a Mockingbird with Present Day Society

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Jean Louise “Scout” and Jem Finch experienced life in the 1930’s living in the small town of Maycomb, Alabama. Their childhood was a nonstop adventure that brought jocund days and testing trials that teenager’s today experience even with the world around us changing every day. The moral upbringings, educational importance, and the crime rate of small towns all contributed to the childhood memories that were built every day in Maycomb County. These attributes to childhood experiences have changed a lot over the vast time period between the 1930’s and 2000’s. The moral upbringings are different in the way that children living now are experiencing a different surrounding in their everyday life and have lost morals that were taught in the 1930’s. Education is more important now than in the 1930’s because of the many laws that have been established to keep children well educated to help them succeed. Living in a small town had many advantages like the low crime rate; crime rate has risen and caused an effect on small town life. There are many similarities as well as differences between the childhood in the 1930’s and the 2000’s. The changes that have occurred affect my life as a young Alabamian every day in many ways. “You never really understood a person until you consider things from his point of view—until you climb into his skin and walk around it.” Atticus Finch is a man of extreme integrity. He, as both a lawyer and a human being, stands up for his democratic beliefs and encourages his children to stand up for their own, though they may stand alone. Harper Lee showed how far respect went in To Kill a Mockingbird when Atticus defended Tom Robinson in his rape trial. He did not think twice about being ridiculed by th... ... middle of paper ... ... experience crime and other dangers that are going on in the United States even in school. With high school presenting these dangers, teenagers are exposed to more and more crime every day. Since crime rate is rising almost every day, society is failing. Change happens all of the time in our ever advancing society. Many changes have occurred from 1930 to 2009. Changes like these can be very affective in a positive or negative way and I, as a young Alabamian experience changes every day. Moral upbringings have become unimportant and have caused a drop in society. Education of children now is very important and necessary to help them to succeed. The crime rate has risen in small towns causing more uproar in usually quiet towns. These changes are not very drastic but they are important factors in our daily life and can help or hinder our society.

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