Compare and Contrast the Different Perceptual Disorders that Disrupt Visual Perception

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There are many perceptual disorders but first we must cover what a perceptual disorder actually is. Perceptual disorders are cognitive disorders characterised by impaired ability to perceive objects through sense organs as a result of the brain or eye being damaged. In this essay I will compare and contrast a variety of perceptual disorders and provide insight as to how they are caused by deficits.
The first disorder that will be mentioned is Agnosia and the two types of Agnosia; Apperceptive Agnosia and Associative Agnosia. Agnosia in general is a failure of recognition which is not attributed to a sensory deficit. There is a visual specific Agnosia which interferes with visual stimuli recognition, in particular inability to recognise objects from visual information. As prior mentioned there are two forms one being, Apperceptive Agnosia. This is the inability to recognise objects and have impaired ability to draw objects. The second type of Agnosia is associative Agnosia, this is the inability to make meaningful associations between objects that are visually presented. While they can copy unlike Apperceptive they can recognise these drawings. In Associative damage is usually located in borders between optical and temporal lobes in both hemispheres but it can be limited to one. Damage in Apperceptive which not always in a fixed place usually has high correlation of damage caused to the occipital lobes usually in the left hemisphere which causes these recognition problems.
Lissauer (1890) made an important distinction between Apperceptive and Associative Agnosia. He found that Apperceptive recognition can occur without acuity or other sensory functions whereas associative cannot. Ettlinger (1956) can follow on with his research sh...

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...ioned that Blindsight may be a direct result of a scotoma it has also been noted that it is generally caused by lesions to their striate cortex or their primary visual cortex.

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