Combined Qualitative and Quantitative Study that Employs two Phases Sequentially

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The essential focus of this two-phase sequential mixed methods study is to determine if a relationship exists between a generation category (Gen X, Gen Y, Gen Z, etc.) and the number of incidences of bullying in secondary education. The study was proposed as a result of a significant increase of bullying in the news, more importantly, due to the recent suicides that resulted directly from bullying. In the first phase, quantitative research questions will focus on the statistical analysis between each generation category and the number of incidences of bullying during their secondary education. Research will be conducted with 25 participants at various locations. In the second phase, qualitative interviews will be used to better understand if there is any correlation between generation and number of bullying incidences. Further research will be administered to 15 participants who experienced the most incidences of bullying at various locations. The reason for following up with qualitative research in the second phase is to collect any generational themes based on characteristics that may provide further understanding and relationship of generation category and the number of incidences of bullying.

A two-phase sequential explanatory strategy was used for the study. The two- phases are ordered in the sequence that was proposed as priority was placed on quantitative data collection and analysis. In the second phase, qualitative data was collected and used to refine the results of the quantitative data presented in the first phase.

What do you see as similarities and differences in the way the conclusions & interpretations sections are structured in these articles?

Quantitative research generates reliable population based data a...

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...mmon problems, including but not limited to; sample size, lack of available and/or reliable data, access of individuals, organizations, documents, language barriers, and resources. Any limitations that might influence the results should be mentioned, such disclosure will allow for new ideas in future research.


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