Chiropractic, Osteopathy, Physiotherapy

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There are many health care facilities worldwide that provide treatment for an injured patient for all ages. Some professions are easily mistaken due to their philosophies and type of treatment. Professions that are commonly mistaken are Chiropractic, Osteopathy, and Physiotherapy. The purpose of this essay is to distinctly differentiate between the three professions to both increase my own knowledge and the knowledge of others.

Chiropractic is a form of health care that predominantly focuses on the relationships of structures (mainly the spine and pelvis) and its functions (mainly the nervous system). (10) The main focus is to treat a patient without the use of drugs or surgery and to also have long term positive outcomes on the patient(s) rather than immediate effect although there are also immediate reliefs of pain (mainly in the lower back). Physiotherapy focuses on the movement and function of an injured area to assess the mobility, diagnose the injury, and treat it.(2) the injured area is usually stabilised to prevent further injury from occurring. Osteopathy focuses on the structure of the body and how the bones, muscles, joints and internal organs function as one unit. (3) Osteopathy does not just treat a sore back or knee but it treats the whole body as a suffering unit therefore there is no specific stabilisation to the injured area.

Many people tend to get confused between Chiropractic and Osteopathy. Although they are very similar in the way they treat a patient, there are also distinct differences which separates the two professions. Both professions have philosophic beliefs of holism, naturalism and therapeutic conservatism in the processes of curing a patient. They bot...

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... newest with the newest findings

8. Porter S. Tidy’s Physiotherapy. Fifteenth edition. Churchill. Livingstone. Elsevier. 2013

 Relatively accurate. It’s the newest edition therefore the information is the newest with the newest findings

9. Kumar P, Raju P, Prasad V. fundamentals of physiotherapy. India. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers. 2005

 Accurate. Although the publishing date is a bit old, therefore no new information may have been found as it’s the latest edition.

10. Johnson C, Baird R, Dougherty E, Globe G, Green B, Hameline M, Hawk C, Smith M. Chiropractic and public health; current state and future vision. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics. July 2008. Volume 31, issue 6, page 398.

 Highly accurate as it is a journal. Health care professionals always update their journals for as close as possible to accurate information.

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