Character Sketch of Anne Frank

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“I don’t think of all the misery but of the beauty that still remains” -Anne Frank. On Wednesday, July 8th, 1942, Anne’s father, Otto, got a call from the S. S. for his other daughter, Margot to be sent away to a concentration camp, to become a slave, where the treat them like animals and make them work in unfit conditions. Knowing the truth about the “call up” the Frank’s decided to go into hiding, along with another family, the Van Daans. Anne Frank was a thirteen year-old Jewish girl living in Amsterdam, with Germany under Hitler’s control. She appears to be a very attractive teenage girl. For example, Anne writes in her diary, “I have strings of boy-friends, anxious to catch a glimpse of me, and who failing that, peep at me through mirrors in class.” Anne Frank was a dynamic kind of character because she changes thorugh out the story. Anne is described as blunt, intelligent, and cheerful.

A characteristic to describe Anne is blunt. She as blunt in the story when she wanted her father to tell her stories, and he gave her advice. I know this because in the text it says, “How true Daddy’s words were when he said: all children must look after their own upbringing. Parents can only give good advice or put them on the right paths, but the final forming of a persons character lies in their own hands.” Another example of Anne being blunt is when Anne tells Mr. Dussel that his work is unimportant and that he doesn’t do much so why couldn’t she use the desk. I know this because in the text it says, “ …to say what you want.”

A characteristic to describe Anne is intelligent. She was intelligent in the story when she was good at writing, likes family trees, history, and Greek Roman mythology. These were her hobbies and interests. I know this because in the text it says, “First of all: writing…., number two: family trees….” Another example of Anne being intelligent was when she said she wanted to be a journalist. I know this because in the text it says, “I must work so as not to be a fool, to get on, to become a journalist, …” Pg. 197 In order to be a journalist you have to be a good writer, which Anne is.

A characteristic to describe Anne is cheerful.

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