The Time Between Conception And Birth Of A Fetus

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Human development can be described as the way a human body forms as the process of life begins. Along this process different kinds of mutations and diseases can occur, some may be natural and others self-afflicted (Sigelman & Rider). The area of human development I am focusing on is the time between conception and birth of a fetus, this is especially important because it is the making of a life (Sigelman & Rider). This time frame of nine months is called gestation. It is divided into three equal trimesters (Holt, Rinehart & Winston) This period of one’s life span occurs the fastest and has one of the most important environments (Sigelman & Rider). Throughout the life of an embryo/fetus before it is born as a grown baby, there are several stages that their bodies have to go through. Cells that are formed earlier and have not been specialized yet can be identify as stem cells. When the spiral cord begins to form the embryo is coming into three weeks of growth and begins to have a system to support its body (Sigelman & Rider). This time is very vulnerable for the development of the baby’s organs (Holt, Rinehart & Winston). Five to six weeks the torso, head, and limbs and begun to form. Also the system that takes shape …show more content…

The baby’s sex on the other hand is determined at fertilization. If an X chromosome is present the baby is a girl. If a Y chromosome is present the baby’s a boy. Over the course of 20 weeks the way a baby grows has to go almost seamlessly to form a healthy baby with 20/20 vision and no deformities (Website1). A disruption to the fetus form exposure to diseases or toxins can result in birth defects and developmental problems. There is currently no way to repair brain defects from early development. That being said, a mother is one of the main controlling factors due to the risks she decides to take after the time of conception (Website

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