Censorship Is the Banning of Communication

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One of the most despised sentiments an individual can endure is knowing the truth has been hidden from you. Numerous countries around the world are hiding reality from their citizens. Even if this may be good willed at first, this act manipulates a population with lies. Censorship is the banning of any sort of communication (e.g Literature) which is considered harmful or obscene to a certain population by the government (Gilc). This may enable a country to evolve in a short term basis but this development will be very superficial and will not last long. Every individual has the right to see what they will and this right should not be perpetrated. When censorship occurs the government is limiting the general knowledge of a country. Some may say that it is for the good of the population but it is simply protecting people from reality.

Censorship should not be employed as it is unsustainable due to its superficiality. A country may boast about their general development, but often the way it is done is hidden from the public eye. Economic growth is one of the many components taken into consideration when calculating a country's development, Singapore excels in this criteria. Unfortunately this is not the key to a long term growth. The economy changes rapidly and a slight mistake could cause Singapore to find themselves in deep debt. Singapore is a perfect example of a country where its success is extremely superficial. Few know the quantity of information hidden by the government. This country may seem like an ideal place to live due to their reliable safety or encouraging educational systems but this often leads up to the youth population being over protected, and when moving to other countries finding it exceedin...

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...g the truth from coming out in fear that its citizens might begin to think negatively of their ideologies and motives. The government would not be doing this if they were in full confidence of their actions. If they had a good conscious they would not have to worry about the information released as they know that what they are doing in reality is well intentioned.

Overall, Censorship should have never been taken into consideration and is not the ethical nor right way to lead a country due to its lack of integrity. History has shown that this type of way is very superficial and not sustainable. This unsustainability is caused by a lack of integrity and an inability from the government to manage their citizens with confidence and respect. They are forced to manipulate their population whilst hiding the reality and imposing the citizens to live with lies.

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