The Freedom of Speech is granted to every American citizen and has been since it was founded in 1776; however, not every nation grants that right. China, as a communist nation, retains most individual freedom rights from its citizens. Although in the Peoples Republic of China’s (PRC) 1982 constitution, people are guaranteed Freedom of Expression and Press; it is often violated by the current corrupt government. The government demands the news to be 80% positive and 20% negative, altering the facts n occasion. In contrast to that, America has recently become more involved with the pressing issue as well because of the involvement of Google. Thus it has shined the light on government censorship and corruption. China’s government corruption and censorship has led to a bribery of government and corporation officials, the Shanghai (Xinjiang) Riots/Tiananmen Square Massacre, and current complications with
China’s corrupt government affected the bribery of government officials or employees at the nation’s largest companies. The Qatar News Agency has stated that Chinese firms have confirmed bribery; “A recent spate of prosecutions under the act of firms operating in China and other notoriously crooked places has stoked fear in the heart of many executives. (Arabia, Pg.1)” Qatar then acknowledged that Chinese companies have recently had employees bribed; “This year… employees entered guilty pleas related to bribes allegedly paid to employees at some of China's biggest companies… PetroChina, China National Offshore Oil Corporation, Jiangsu Nuclear Power Corporation, Guohua Energy Investment Company, and China Petroleum. (Arabia, Pg.1)” The bribing of these companies is never acceptable. Throughout the government it has also bee...
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...hina is worse than other nations which completely eliminate citizens rights because PRC’s constitution grants citizens freedom of expression and press, but it takes these rights away when expressions are against the government. China withholding information from the citizens knowing is equivalent to lying. Therefore, if China lies to the citizens, how reliable is the government? Or worse, since the government leads the nation, how trustful is that nation? Fan Zhongyan once said, a famous quote, “I’d rather die for speaking out, than remain silent.” If more Chinese citizens felt that way, the nation would be different. If this paper was allowed in China maybe citizens would change their point of view, and change forever. However, this would be censored out. Hopefully one day, there will be fundamental rights granted to every citizen, regardless of race or ethnicity.
The film Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry is in part about how the government responds to Ai Weiwei’s controversial artwork. Over the course of the film, he is beaten, watched, and arrested because his art goes against the Chinese government. The government tries to censor any content that may show them in a bad light, which prevents revolts from taking place in China since they never hear about the injustices that have occurred. Ai Weiwei, however, utilizes technology to spread information about what is going on: he uses blogging and recording as ways to make sure the government can’t hide what has happened. This Communist government, however, wants sole control over the economy and the politics of the country, but much of Ai Weiwei’s artwork fights against what the government is trying to force onto its’ people through the spread of information. With the technology Ai Weiwei uses, he is able to display the evidence of the injustices that are occurring in China, including posting the names of Sichuan earthquake victims on his blog and recording the police assaulting him. This way he can spread the information
Deva, Surya. “Corporate Complicity in Internet Censorship in China: Who Cares for the Global Compact or the Global Online Freedom Act?” The George Washington International Law Review. Washington, DC: The George Washington Intl Law Review. 2007. Web. 31 Jan., 2011.
Bribery occurs when money, services, goods, information, or anything else of value is offered with intent to influence a person’s actions, decisions, or opinions of the accuser. Charges can be brought against an individual, whether they offered the bribe or accept it. Bribery and public corruption cases frequently make headlines new stories daily. Bribes can take the forms of gifts or payments of money in exchange for favorable treatment like awards of government contracts (Mince-Didler, n.d.). Government officials tend to gain a huge incentive with bribery while serving their term. Other forms of bribes may include privileges, services, various goods, property and favors. Bribes are always intended to influence or alter the actions of individuals with political and public corruption (Mince-Didler, n.d.).
China is a communist country, whose citizens face many difficult situations while trying to fight for their human rights. According to the “Freedom Rankings” from the database CountryWatch, China is not a free country. Specifically, the Political Rights and Civil Liberties are in their maximum numbers; this means that these rights are confiscated from the people. Therefore, freedoms of press, expression, speech, religion, and movement are all severely limited in China. The government has also kept a close watch on art in China.
As of the year 2010, Google battle with the Chinese government over Internet censorship has drawn increased international attention to media system in the country. The conflict between Google and Chinese government is mainly because of the different media systems that serve in the United States and China. Basically, the media system consists of different types of communications media, such as television, Newspapers, Internet, books and other new media (Ipad, smartphones). Chinese media system differs from that of the United States is up to the very different regimes and social conditions that can be analyzed in four aspects: Ownership and national culture of media, laws and regulations, attitude towards foreign media.
Corruption consists in the illegitimate agreement between a corruptor and a corrupted, in which they abuse of their public power in order to obtain personal benefit. Bribery and corruption is something that has been going on for years. According to Allen, “officials perceive themselves as immune to any penalties for demanding and receiving bribes” which she states that it is one of the main reasons for bribery and corruption in underdeveloped countries. According to Transparency International, an organization committed exclusively to end corruption, three of the most corrupt countries in the world are Somalia, North Korea and Afghanistan. This does not mean that corruption is only seen in underdeveloped countries. In international business, corporate employees often find themselves dealing with corruptors in foreign countries and, in most cases, they will give in.
Interests: China’s leaders desire to improve their nation’s economy while preserving political stability. They want to censor political discussions to prevent “westernization” of China,
From the beginning of their establishment, the bilateral relations between the United States of America and China have changed throughout the time. The bilateral relations of the two countries emerged from 1970’s with the ‘Ping-Pong’ diplomacy and there have been many pauses in their mutual relations. The US and China enjoyed cooperation in economic and military spheres and the mutual relations grew massively during until the end of 1990’s. The heads of the two states began visiting each other’s countries and the economic ties were tightening year by year. However, the issues of human rights and free speech declined mutual Sino-American relations. The American principle of democracy promotion and human rights protection minimized the Sino- American relations after the Tiananmen Square events in 1989, the US Presidents-George Bush and Bill Clinton- playing a key role in determining the further American foreign policy towards China.
Bribery is wrong, and it would be almost instinctive to point at the benefits of impartially functioning public servants and incorrupt corporations to our democratic society as justification. However, in this imperfect world where bribery is rife in varying degrees, is it possible to express this notion convincingly? Certainly 'because the UK Bribery Act says so' is far less persuasive to a council planning office in Shanghai than in London, and indeed in compliance with section 7 of the Bribery Act 2010 which relates to commercial offences, it is essential that this question is engaged with on a corporate scale and without assertion through dogma. Accordingly, this essay will argue that elements wrong with bribery are inclusive of both moral and economic considerations. Moreover, in conjunction with international mandates, advent of aggressive legislation such as that of the UK Bribery Act 2010 is representative of global efforts to eliminate bribery. Hence, it follows that bribery can never be considered a normal part of business because it is economically unsustainable in the long term.
Thornton, P., (ed.) (2010), ‘Censorship and Surveillance in Chinese Cyberspace: Beyond the Great Firewall’ In Gries, P. H., and Rosen, S., (eds) Chinese Politics (London and New York: Routledge).
The government should not control the content of television shows and limit the amount of weekly violence shown. The responsibility of controlling the viewing of television shows expressing acts of violence should specifically be in the hands of parents. Parents are becoming too reliant upon governmental provisions with respect to raising their children and television violence is becoming an excuse for criminal acts. Children, especially younger children, are impressionable, but with proper guidance from a parental source in regards to television viewing, kids are not likely to act out violent television images.
Xu, Beina. "Media Censorship in China." Council on Foreign Relations. Council on Foreign Relations, 12 Feb. 2014. Web. 26 Mar. 2014. .
Early off, Internet in China was imaged as an information highway which leapfrogged China into modern times (Guobin 51). Today a majority (49%) US blogs are political whereas a majority of blogs in China are more "personal,” where they may post diaries of their personal life. Otherwise they also like to read news, research, communicate via chat/email/social networking sites, entertainment purposes, e-business, e-banking, and e-education (Jiang 23-25) Some have even gone to say that China’s internet is large part of their culture like TV is to America (Guobin 49).
Censorship affects our society in many different ways, it affects the music we listen to, the movies we watch, the books we read, and many other aspects of our everyday lives. Even though many might argue that censorship doesn't really have a place in a society that emphases freedom of speech and the freedom to express oneself, but censorship is an essential and needed part of our growing society, it's needed in the television industry, the Internet, and the music industry. Censorship helps to make our world a better place because it creates a better environment for us to live in.
Global Challenge: Building the New Worldwide Enterprise. McGRAW-HILL Book Company Europe. NEELANKAVIL, James P. (2003). International Business Corruption: A Framework of Causes, Effects, and Prescriptions. Hofstra University Press.