The Case Study of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

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b. Theory and methodology The feminist research was applied to redefine the concept of security from two sides, one as a concept of Arab Political Thought, another as the result of Jordanian women understanding of security. The Arab school of thought and the Arab feminist agenda are important resources from the current research, human security being part of both, a declared priority, a policy and a trend. The case study of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan is an original piece of work, the result of one academic year period as research assistant in the Internship Programme of the Centre for Strategic Studies, University of Jordan, where I have participated in events of the centre and other activities relevant for my research in all academic and political branches of the Jordanian society, preparing interviews and surveys for my topic. For what is known as a case study, the field of Political Science has no single definition, this varies by department and country as well as internal disciplinary organization of the research. The very well structured North American political science school of thought has four sub-fields, political theory, national government, comparative studies and international relations including security studies. The European political science classification has occasionally divided subfields, such as European Politics, International Relations or European Public Administration. Exception makes only political theory, all other subfields defining the case study as a method of analysis with different interpretations. Discipline`s sub-fields associate case studies with qualitative research, occasionally competing ontological and epistemological presuppositions, reflecting an intense study of lived human experien... ... middle of paper ... ...ented by experts and non-experts, highlighting why a feminist security insight is worth discussing. In writing the context salient points have been highlighted about the facts and circumstances affecting the issue of security. This was developed in order to combine the questionnaire analyses with semi-structured interview analyses, as an assessment of the relationship between security system characteristics and the effects that the security system produces to people. Works Cited D. Collier, The Comparative Method in A.W.Finifter, Political Science: The State of the Discipline II, Washington DC, American Political Science Association. Kathleen Eisenhardt, Building Theories from Case Studies Research, Academy of Management Review, vol.14, no 4, Stanford University, 1989. William Naumes, Margaret Naumes, The Art and Craft of Case Writing, M.E. Sharp, 2006.

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