Carbon 11 Advantages And Disadvantages

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Carbon 11 2
What is Carbon 11? 2
Where is carbon 11 used? 2
Application of 11C tracer 3
Pros and cons of the short Half-life 3
Pros 3
Cons 3
Benefits and risks of the carbon 11 radiotracer 4
Benefits 4
Risks 4
Risks associated with Carbon 11 tracer 4
Rewards associated with Carbon 11 Tracer 5
Comparison 5
Journal critique 5
Authority 5
Accuracy 6
Objectivity 6
Bibliography 7
Appendice 1 8


11C or more commonly known as Carbon 11 is a radioisotope of Carbon (tracer) which gives off gamma rays. This radioisotope decays to Boron 11 due to beta plus decay or positron emission. Conversely this change can be a result of electron capture but the chance of this happening is minuscule …show more content…

It’s primarily use is as a radioisotope for radioactive labelling of molecules in positron emission tomography (PET); in the early diagnosis of cancer, monitoring therapeutic response to cancer treatment, and pharmacokinetic (reaction body has to the drug) investigations of anticancer drugs. PET imaging allows a non-invasive means to monitor metabolic processes and molecular targets, in this case it is the chemically induced tumors; while the carbon 11 radiotracer allows for a hot/cold substitution of active molecules biologically [2]. This allows for detailed images such as this not so grey matter …show more content…

Then the chemical substance is injected into the patient. The monoamine transporter protein transports the tracer over the entirety of the body, mainly the highly blood dependent organs. The result is a targeted accumulation of said tracer giving off gamma radiation. [4]

PROS AND CONS OF THE SHORT HALF-LIFE The extremely short half-life of carbon-11 (20.39 minutes) has both pros and cons. These can be seen in the table below:


The short half-life means it takes all of 20.39 minutes before the Carbon 11 tracer decays into boron 11. 11b is a chemically stable radioisotope of boron. Patient is only radioactive for a short amount of time.
The synthesis/amalgam of radiotracers. This includes the synthesizing the required compounds, achieving both purity of the radiochemical, high activity in a short amount of time and on a small scale. Complex process in correlation with its short half-life requires the Radioisotope to be made onsite.

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