Can Something be made from nothing?

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Is it possible to take nothing and create it into something? You’re probably thinking how on earth could you take nothing and create it into something; there is no way it could happen, right? There is the religious view that explains that the reason why there are humans is because of god being the first human to exist. Then there is the scientific view that explains that there are laws, such as the law of gravity, which is used to help explain how it is possible that something can be created from nothing. The scientific view also explains the idea that the universe has been around for an infinite number of years, so there is no way that there was the actual first humans. Some would say that it is possible because it would explain how everything in our lives was created because what is used to create everything starts out as essentially nothing.
In my opinion even though an object doesn’t have a purpose does not mean that an object is literally created from nothing, there had to be something or someone to create everything that surrounds us. I consider that humans are evidence that there was a first human on earth who created everything around us. I also believe that since all creatures are able to reproduce there must be the first of its kind in order for there to be a certain species. We will take a look at the positives and negatives of; Lucretius view in his article The Nature of Things, Charles Darwin’s views on evolution, Contemporary Science views on how things were created, and my own personal views on how things were created.
Lucretius article from On the Nature of Things helps to support my opinion on how everything that surrounds us cannot be created from nothing; he believes that things were created by a divine power...

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...t existed to create the earth and everything that is on it. God gave everything a very specific way of making sure that everything had a way of reproducing. Some people base their beliefs on religion and others base their beliefs on science, the only way to decide on which one is to realize which makes more sense to you.
There might be some aspects of both ideas that each person believes in, but ultimately each person has their own idea of what things were created from. In the end everyone has their own opinion of how the universe was created and as long as they are able to explain why they believe that is how everything was created then that is all that matters. Now some might be able to answer the question “Can something be created from nothing?” but others may not be too sure what to believe just since there are countless factors that still need some explaining.

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